that was a win or perhaps Fate relented

13 Jun

The transcription job I undertook for YoungB was actually not too bad. I did what I could with the Italian then left Dr B to clean it up (he was most impressed by the software I’d chosen to use – not the user-spiteful package I’m constrained to use by the company to whom I subcontract – and loved my foot pedal). What made it a little easier than much of the [paid] work I do was that the recording was good and, though there was some background noise, it wasn’t so intrusive that I couldn’t hear the speakers. That was a win for the family (the Bs recently purchased a small digital recorder and this was one of its first official runs). YoungB’s actually doing the essay was more chaotic because he’s out of practice and would leave it till the last minute; but, well, it was sound enough and went off in plenty of time. Fnigres corsesd.

Then there’s that huge to-do list, relating to YoungB’s year away, that’s slowly, slowly dwindling. Sometimes we don’t see much progress though we seem to be busy, but at our next family meeting we find ourselves saying, “Yep, that’s all done,” and, once the smaller components are accounted for, another big item gets a tick. Some of my effort there relates to getting things done for the family lunch we’re planning to have. I should have made my smaller to-do list larger, in the sense of making it into one with a greater number of small items that I could tick off individually, because I don’t seem to be making much impression on it in its present format. Having said that, when I walk into the room we’re presently dedicating to OS stuff, I can see that it’s well set up for what needs to be done and, yep, most of the background work was the result of my hard labour.

That I’m not getting to anything of my own – any of the sewing or knitting – is a minor detail. I mean, you’d reckon there’ll be plenty of time for that in the reasonably near future when both of the Bs are on their travels and I’m left home to party, wouldn’t you?


Posted by on June 13, 2014 in Musing


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2 responses to “that was a win or perhaps Fate relented

  1. accordion3

    June 14, 2014 at 07:16

    I take organisation to a whole new level too. And ticking lots of small things off = greater acheivement. I’ve been known to rewrite lists so that I’ve more things to cross off.

    How long will you have the house to yourself? Have you any plans for yourself?

    • Felicity from Down Under

      June 14, 2014 at 13:24

      Yeah, when I was writing my own list, I was trying to keep it to a page. That bit worked but it left things like “Tidy backyard” which realistically needs subdividing into many smaller sections.

      I think I’m going to collapse for the first week I have the house to myself! After that, I think there’s only about a month of freedom and, as is the way, there are already plenty of things to do. I intend to get back to some sewing, though, since that’s practically disappeared at the moment. I might be able to knit while we’re having meetings but I don’t have any handsewing that would fit the bill. 🙂


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